Battery and Criminal Mischief :

Arrested for disorderly conduct after "chasing children, urinating on porches, and blocking traffic" a giant cow suit:

arrested for hair-skin-eye-shirt color offense:

arrested for trying to steal "The Dark Knight" posters and memorabilia from a movie theatre, dressed at The Joker from "The Dark Knight"

1. put on 'world's greatest dad' t-shirt, a gift from your teenage step-daughter
2. Troll internet for 14-year-old girl, decide to meet
3. 14-year-old girl is an undercover agent, get arrested
4. take following mugshot after pleading guilty to child sexual abuse:

felony domestic battery by strangulation:

Got a DUI, hair was sticking out of sunroof, had to move mug shot cam back to accommodate the EIGHTEEN INCH mohawk


irony: already dressed as an inmate, arrested on Halloween for smoking pot

this dude was mid-braid at the barber shop when he stepped outside to sell some crack and got busted. im kind of vibing for his look but he doesnt seem pleased about his 'do.

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