
no friend o mine....

The below picture is from a REAL attendance sheet at a REAL school and is the name of a REAL child. Read the first kid's first name:

FRIENDOGOD????? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? This whole give my baby the weirdest name possible thing has gone TOO FAR. AND, to make matters worse, this poor child goes by "Friendo" - this poor kid will likely set themselves on fire before hitting puberty. Seems like a better option than living with that name.


  1. So why do you think it’s okay to post an attendance sheet and not cross out last names , because I know all these people, especially the one you’re posting about, and he’s now deceased. So your little blog is what’s weird actually. Myob what people name their kids, she loved him just the same.

  2. Preach. RIP Friend
